Meet the leaders of our global movement.

We’re training new activists to join our global movement. And we want you to join us.

Speakers for Human Rights Lab

We train new activists to join and support a global movement for human rights in North Korea.

The one-day training will take place on Saturday, September 23 from 9:30 AM to 5 PM at Hart House with lunch provided.


Empower, Equip, and Engage

You'll develop an understanding of human rights from the experts.


Hear from Human Rights Leaders

You’ll learn from leading human rights practitioners and about their work.


Connect with our Movement

You’ll be connected with human rights projects and opportunities abroad.

We engage students from coast to coast.

Our chapters raise awareness, raise money, and directly support human rights projects.


We surveyed 40 participants from a pilot training in Ottawa.


96% said we improved their knowledge of human rights issues.

94% said we improved their leadership ability.

82% said HanVoice helped their chances of getting a job.


“In high school, 

I didn’t know how 

to translate my frustrations about the world into something practical. 

Lucky for me, I found HanVoice.”

Bushra, Chapter President, University of Toronto




People's Museum